Stained Glass Pattern Books
Patterns By Sarah Jackson Creations
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Cute Critters and Kiddie Creations

Pattern CD.
Includes 64 pages with 42 designs which appeal to children of all ages (please note always hang out of reach of young children, solder is poisonous) also includes colour photo's and Technical Details.
Suitable for advanced beginners/intermediates.
Comes with design printed on CD in a plastic wallet.
(Copyright C Sarah Jackson 2013
Copyright covers all designs used in this publication.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by means electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, with the exception of reproduction of the
designs expressly for personal use only, not for financial gain.)
Includes 64 pages with 42 designs which appeal to children of all ages (please note always hang out of reach of young children, solder is poisonous) also includes colour photo's and Technical Details.
Suitable for advanced beginners/intermediates.
Comes with design printed on CD in a plastic wallet.
(Copyright C Sarah Jackson 2013
Copyright covers all designs used in this publication.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by means electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, with the exception of reproduction of the
designs expressly for personal use only, not for financial gain.)
Cost: £4.50 UK
Cost $ 7.50 America (any price difference is due to exchange rate and fees incurred for accepting foreign currency)